Friday, April 8, 2011

Follow Me!

Let My People Go! The Early Christians met in fear of their lives but they knew following Christ was worth it. They knew that if they were found out that they would be killed for their commitment to the way, yet they met in hope of hearing the Word of God and having fellowship with other believers that were sold out to follow Christ. Christians in the first Century hung a sign over the door to signify the gathering places for those seeking safe passage and desiring at the risk of death to hear Gods Words. Today that emblem (Fish) is plastered on the back of every preppy SUV in the commuter lane. It no longer signifies the entrance to safe passage but has become an Icon for the Blessed achiever who has found a way to secure the American dream while still claiming to follow Christ. The Believer that sits back and guesses what would Jesus Do? Instead of claiming what it is Jesus actually said. Luke 9:57-62 Jesus Could call anyone of us to leave it all Luke 14:25-26 and to follow Him ? Mark 10:17-22 Follow Him Where ? Matthew 28:19 says to: " Go therefore and make disciples of all nations." There are still Pharaoh's holding God's people in bondage and yes God is still sending his messengers to give that message of deliverance. There are still Christians dieing for their faith while we sport all the "Not of this World tee shirts, Fish empblems and praying baby bumper stickers.Perhaps the only honest measure of the recklessness of my confidence in Christ is my readiness to die for what I believe. But, even greater yet perhaps a greater test of my faith in Him is not only my willingness to die for Jesus and the furtherance of the gospel but to live for him without the safety net of self-dependeption one-day at a time. Romans 8:13 our lord gives us a warning worth hearing "For if we live according to the flesh you will die;but if by the Spirit you put to death the deeds of he body you will be saved. " In His Service Pastor Fred

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